Our Mountain View Auto Shop Explains the Benefits of Ceramic WindowTinting

  • By Roger Ward
  • 25 Feb, 2022

Window tinting is among the most popular automotive upgrades on the market, but with so many products available, how do you know which is right for your car? Let’s cut right to the chase, it’s ceramic window tinting! This high quality window tint option has many benefits compared to more traditional films, while still offering the same privacy and appearance that you love. Here’s what the auto customizers at Griffin’s Auto Repair in Mountain View have to say about ceramic window tint.

What is Ceramic Window Tinting?

Ceramic window tint film is unlike other types of tint in that it contains no dyes, carbon or metal. It actually consists of ceramic nanoparticles that are invisible to the naked eye, which makes seeing out of your windows easier compared to traditional tint. While it is applied in a similar manner, there are many reasons to upgrade to ceramic window tinting, including the following.

Less Glare: With ceramic tinting, only about 50% of sunlight enters the car, helping to reduce glare, ensuring it is easier to see while driving. However, don’t stress about driving at night, the formulated window tint maximizes nighttime lighting so you never compromise safety.

Block UV Rays: Ceramic window tint stops up to 99% of UV rays from entering your car. These rays can not only cause the interior to fade, but they can also cause skin damage that can lead to skin cancer.

Keep it Cool: With as much as 80% of infrared light blocked from entering the car, which are the rays of the sun that generate heat, you can keep your vehicle cooler mile after mile without pumping the AC. This helps you save gas and money, meaning it's good for the environment!

Shatter Protection: While most automotive glass is designed to not shatter in the event of an accident, some shards can break off, causing harm to anyone in their path. Installing ceramic tint film holds the window together in the event of an accident, minimizing the likelihood of glass pieces becoming airborne in a wreck.

Is Ceramic Window Tinting Good?

The benefits of ceramic window tinting are excellent whether compared to a car without tint or older styles of tint.

    Ceramic Window Tinting in Mountain View, CA

    On top of all this, ceramic window tinting looks great and provides enhanced privacy. If you’re interested in having ceramic window tinting installed in Mountain View, CA, reach out toGriffin's Auto Repair / Level Up Auto Styling. Our team of auto customizers and mechanics are looking forward to helping you improve your ride as you see fit. Give our local auto shop a call at (650) 379-0709 to learn more or to request a quote for the cost of window tinting or other custom auto services in Mountain View.

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